Sunday, 25 December 2011

Christmas Day 2011

This Christmas was special as this was the first time in ten years that Heather, I, and my parents enjoyed the company of Samantha.

Two days prior, Mum dropped off Samantha at my work where she met up with a few of my co-workers and saw a well decorated Desk. :-)

Christmas Eve afternoon was spent with my In-Laws, where we exchanged gifts and enjoyed a relaxed time. 

Around the corner from our house is this amazing display which took several weeks to assemble.

 Samantha and Mum (Ann) looking through some photographs.

 Relaxing after Christmas Lunch

 Dad (Tom), Samantha and Mum (Ann)

The following day, Boxing Day we drove across Sydney to drop of Samantha at her Grandparents place, for lunch with her Mum, Step-Brother and Family, Granny and Bapu ad a few Aunts and Uncle thrown in for good measure..

Copyright © 2012 Paul Anslow

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Old Colour Slides

Scanning the family Colour Slides.

Here is a Before and After - Me on Christmas 1964, Our home in Whittington, Lichfield, England.

In 1965 on the way to Australia on the T/V Castel Felice.

Mum is wearing the pink top and I'm hanging onto the railing.

Mum and I.

In 1964 on the way to Australia on the T/V Castel Felice at Aden, Federation of South Arabia, now part of Yemen.

Trevallyn, Launceston, Tasmania in 1965. My primary school can be seen and the cream coloured house, top left hand side was our home. The hilltop is now built up.

A visit to Cradle Mountain, Lake St Clare National Park in 1968

Our back garden at Fairthorne Rd Trevallyn with Kim our Rescue Dog 1969

Sniffy the cat and I at Kootara Place, Trevallyn 1971

Dad at work 1976

A Birthday