Friday, 30 April 2010

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Harbour Bridge, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
... viewed from a friends apartment.

Sydney Harbour Bridge, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.

All text and photographs are Copyright ©2009 Paul Anslow. All rights reserved.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Ironfest 2010

Jousting at Ironfest, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
St George’s Day International Jousting Tournament.
Jousting at Ironfest, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.

Jousting at Ironfest, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
St George’s Day International Jousting Tournament.
Knight on his Charge, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.

A wartime Beetle, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
A wartime Beetle
The German Kommandeurwagen a Beetle body mounted on the Kübelwagen chassis made during WW II. 
Lithgow Highland Pipe Band, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
Lithgow Highland Pipe Band street performance.
British in Battle, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
British in Battle
The Battle of Lithgow is a 19th century re-enactment of a mythical battle between French and British forces, for the control of the nascent Australian colony. Performed by the Australian Napoleonic Association.
French in Battle, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
French in Battle

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Preparations for ANZAC Day

They shall not grow old,as we grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condenm. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We Will Remember Them Lest We Forget.

Preparations for ANZAC Day, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
Rayner Hoff's Sculpture Sacrifice depicting a fallen soldier, at the ANZAC War Memorial, Hyde Park, Sydney.
The 25th of April is ANZAC Day here in Australia and New Zealand.

Preparations for ANZAC Day, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.

Saturday, 10 April 2010


Samantha, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
Samantha enjoying her drawing at her Step Grandparents.

Samantha and Mac, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
Samantha and Mac mucking about. This shot is not a setup. :-)

Friday, 9 April 2010

Royal Easter Show

Produce, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.

Carnival Rides, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
Carnival Rides between showers at the Sydney Royal Easter Show 2010.

Yoichi, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
Yoichi - Best of Breed Chow at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

Cardigan Corgi, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
... at the Royal Easter Show

The Crowds, originally uploaded by Paul Anslow.
.. at the Show Bag pavilion, Sydney Royal Easter Show.

A Birthday